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Sunday, July 20, 2008


Here's a cute little true story for you...
Earlier this year, when it was finally warm enough to leave only the screen door open, Lucy, my 4 year old granddaughter, looked out into the yard and excitedly shouted, "Look, our flowers came back!" Phoenix, her 3 year old brother, came running to see and squealed with delight at the splash of color. I thought to myself "flowers? I don't remember planting any perennials." I looked out and saw the lawn was indeed full of color, bright yellow dandy lions. It was true. I looked at them through the eyes of my grandchildren, and they were absolutely beautiful! How exiting and convenient that they came up all by themselves. I guess it's all in your perspective. They picked these pictured here, and so many more...

Sunday, June 22, 2008